Christos Gkoumas

Researcher & Developer | Cognitive Neuroscientist | Technologist

Eye tracking in Immersive Virtual Reality

Eye tracking technology, as the name suggests, is used to track and monitor the movement of an individual's eyes. It is often used as an interaction technique in human-computer interaction (i.e., gaze-based interaction) and as a measure of attention in psychology.  Given the lack of demonstrations highlighting the use of eye tracking in research, I decided to create a demo that emphasizes key features, such as dwell time, that are commonly utilized in research protocols. The demo video below shows:
  1. how users can select different boxes using their eyes, while recording the dwell time and the number of unique glances for each box, and 
  2. detect and read aloud (using text-to-speech) the name of the object the user is looking at. 
Additional features, such as triggering an animation upon gazing at an object, will be added in the future.There is an upcoming update of the eye tracking API scheduled for March 2023. If no major changes are made and the project continues to function properly, the source code will be made available on this Github repository.